You might be wondering why the heck I'm taking pictures of food. I'm part of a awesome group of women who all belong to Clickin Moms. We have a blog circle and have challenges each month.
This months challenge was food photography.
I thought it was going to be a breeze. In my mind, I was going to whip up all the beautiful pintrest recipes.. channel my inner Paula Deen.. and make your mouth water with beautifully photographed food. Did it happen?? Just keep reading...
First of all, I am just about the messiest cook you ever will meet. Ingredients strode all over the place... salt and pepper everywhere...forks...spoons.... For one meal.. I dirty at least 5-6 dishes if not more. This becomes a problem for whoever has to clean up after dinner. In our house.. there is one rule (that I LOVE).. It is... If you cook the food, someone else does the dishes.
So let's just be honest here. My food may taste great.. but it ain't pretty...and If we're going to be really honest with each other.. I don't cook often at all. So I found this months challenge of photographing food really hard! But...I did learn that food photography is all about details and presentation....and I enjoyed it. Can't wait to see what next months challenge is! Scroll to the bottom of this page.. and you will find a link to Mickisha's blog :)
Now Check out Mickisha's fabulous take on food photography HERE