Will and Erica--Engagement Session--Northeastern NC Photographer


This year will be a big wedding year for our family! Both my sister-in-law and brother-in-law are getting married one month apart. I may be biased..but my in law's and their to be spouses..are pretty dag on beautiful :) You can check out Caitlin's engagement session HERE.


This week, I traveled to Littleton NC to meet up with Will and Erica. Wanna know the first image that pops into my mind when I think of these two?..I always picture them riding up to the lake house with the top down on the Bronco with suntans, bathing suits on, music blaring and Erica's hair blowing in the wind. You see.. that beautiful Bronco you see in the pictures below used to be a hunk a junk..and Will molded it to be the beauty it is. So in order to get his cooperation..I might have asked him to bring it along on picture day.

Erica and Will are tying the knot on July 27'th 2013. They are the sweetest couple..They have the type of love that people wait all their lives to have. Erica has the most beautiful soul and has an infectious smile....and Will is one lucky man to have put a ring on her finger.


One more fun fact...Myrick boys (my husband Robbie and Will) sure do know how to pick their women. Not only do Erica and I share the same birthday....we also have the same tattoo. (and no we did not go get that tattoo together)

Caitlin and Timmie-- Engagement Session--Northeastern NC Photographer

Caitlin and Timmie are tying the knot June 1'st 2013. They have been sweethearts for as long as I can remember. Every dance, every football game, every minute of every day they have been together. Inseperable. With the exception being when Timmie is in the woods hunting. But it is safe to say that even though the boy loves to hunt..He loves Caitlin a million times more. They will be the little old couple sitting on the front porch together 70 years from now. I loved everything about this session, the location...the light OH my the light..the love they have for each other..I swear it shines through every picture. They are truly a beautiful couple. Love you guys!


Contact Info:

Katie Myrick

I look forward to hearing from you and making a new friend :)


I am available for sessions MON-THURS.

What time??
Sessions start 1.5 to 2 hours before sunset. Photographers call this "The Golden Hour" due to the beautiful glow and light that occurs during this time period. The sun is less harsh and there is less squinty eyes :)

I recommend bringing two outfits to give you variety in your pictures. Please take a look at my "What to Wear" section that links you to Pintrest. There is lots of inspiration on what looks great together for a family to coordinate but yet not be so matchy matchy and also just plain cool outfits just cause. I do like a variety of sitting and standing so please make sure your comfortable in what you wear :) I also recommend to bring a blanket to sit on.

What happens after you get your CD?
 I recommend using a professional printing company who takes pride in their work and printing quality. It takes me hours to edit your beautiful images and that will be thrown out the window by using a nonprofessional printing company. I do not trust the printing quality of local drugstores or big shopping chains (no I will not name any names) But I will tell you they butcher your prints and the coloring is not the same.


Please contact me at : katiemyrickphoto@gmail.com

About Me

Hey! I'm Katie. I'm 27. Wife to Robbie.. my 5th grade sweetheart, Mother to Sophia and Stella and expecting our 3rd baby early February 2014. Emergency Room RN. Lover of Hushpuppies, Gingerbread cookies, Boho One of a Kind clothes, Fish tail braids, Anything Turquoise, Rainbow Sandals and all things pretty. I am an open book. So if you want to know something.. Just ask.. I'm not one to hold anything back.

My photography journey has been a long time coming..About 2 years ago I decided to put my dream in motion. I am a self taught photographer....Constantly taking classes..reading books...practicing daily. I am a perfectionist..and long to create beautiful images..so I don't think I'll ever stop learning.

My goal is to have you look at your pictures and smile..laugh..maybe even cry. I want to capture that fleeting moment.. the look of joy..love..playfulness. I want you to walk away from our session having had a great time..having felt comfortable..and beautiful and having made a new friend :)

My style is bright and colorful. I am drawn to pictures that portray closeness, connection, kissy lovey dovey moments, moodiness, up in your face images. I will give you the standard posed pictures but I will also give you the in between moments that make your heart flutter a bit faster.

What's in my camera bag??
--Nikon D 700
--50MM 1.4 and 85mm 1.8
I shoot with prime lenses so that means they don't zoom. Thats why I'm constantly moving around and coming in close and farther away. I'm not crazy..I'm just trying to get the shot. :)

 Photo credit: Melissa Stallings Photography
(p.s I'm 5 months preg here)

Sasha, Rob and Cooper- Family Session- Northeastern NC Photographer

Sasha and I have been best friends since 6'th grade (pretty sure we can read each others minds just by looking at each others expressions type friends). She just recently moved all the way across the WHOLE united states to California :) leaving her sons future wife back in NC. (yes..future wife being my baby girl..they will get married..they will)...Before she left for Cali, She gave birth to the most perfect little baby boy, Cooper. He is a little over six months and is seriously one sweet and laid back baby. He has his daddy's eyes and his mama's chin. Mom and Dad are totally smitten with Cooper and the connection they have with each other is SO apparent in these pictures. Enjoy :)


I'm beginning to find my style of photography..what makes my heart sing and my soul happy..loving kissing squishy goo goo connection moments that arn't posed but just happen..