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Model Call--Boho Session--Molly--Northeastern NC Photographer
Do you know what a "Model Call" is? For the most part it is self explanatory, it is a photographer putting out a special request asking for a specific age range/gender/look to take part in a photo shoot. This allows the opportunity to try new techniques, poses and locations out and have complete creative control over my vision. So, I sent out a "Model Call" requesting a local junior/senior who was super stylish and comfortable in front of the camera to participate in a stylized "Boho" session. When Molly responded to the call, I knew she was perfect! We follow each other on Instagram so I knew already that she had amazing style. I created a Pinterest board and pinned clothing ideas that fit with the boho theme and Molly searched her closet (and her sisters) and sent me pictures of the outfits she put together. (You can see the board here) Didn't she do awesome picking out her clothing choices?! Next, I picked the locations... choosing a earthy/woodsy location and then a local nursery who was kind enough to let us shoot there. One of the new techniques I tried during the shoot was using a reflector. (I used the reflector on the shots where Molly is wearing the hat) It helped to reflect the natural light back onto her face....especially in the areas that were shaded by the hat. I'm positive I looked utterly ridiculous using this reflector because I was propping it up with one leg, balancing on the other one, holding the camera in one hand, holding the reflector with the other and trying NOT to fall over (not to mention my balance at 7 months pregnant sucks) BUT it works and I will be using it way more now. So that was one lesson learned, the other one being that a steamy greenhouse with a temperature change from outside to inside makes your lens super fog up....so it took a while for my lens to adapt and clear up...but it did...and the shooting continued. Lessons learned :) but in a good way. A HUGE thank you to Molly for being the most beautiful model EVER and for being open and willing to lay on a semi-wet ground with beautiful golden leaves and do whatever I asked (however crazy the request). You ROCK! P.S Most of the clothing worn during the shoot comes from the fabulous and affordable Honey & Hive Boutique. You can check out their website here :) Enjoy my favorites from the boho session below......and if you'd like to schedule a spring 2014 senior session, email me at katiemyrickphoto@gmail.com
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Megan B. 2014 Senior Portraits--Currituck, NC--Northeastern NC Photographer
Meet Megan B. She's a 2014 senior at one of the local high schools and will graduate in May. She has plans to study photography and has already checked out a couple of colleges that specialize in that. I am SOOO excited for her! She picked out her own locations and she did a phenomenal job! She already has that photographer's eye for scouting out the perfect spot. I really enjoyed getting to explore the island and photograph this beautiful girl. She has the most perfect shaped eyes and gorgeous long brown hair! She totally rocked being in front of my camera. Enjoy some of my favorites from her session below. :)
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Tyler--2014 Senior--Currituck, NC--Northeastern NC Photographer
I was pretty excited when Tyler's mom, Diane, contacted me about taking her son's senior portraits. Tyler is one well rounded guy. Not only is he quarterback of the football team but he plays guitar, surfs, is a good student and a loving brother to his 6 siblings. We made sure to incorporate his love of surfing, guitar playing and football into his session. These pictures are a true reflection of who he is right now. Here are some of my favorites from his session.....Enjoy.
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